U-Pick Fresh Goji Berries

U-pick Goji CLOSED

Admission Prices:

Pre-registration is not required. Berry U-Pick  buckets can only be purchased at the farm.

Fresh U-Pick Berries:
$10.50 / lb (Minimum is one pound per Group of TWO)

Berry U-Pick Bucket
Small Bucket (2L) $2.50 + GST
Large Bucket (4L) $3.00 + GST

Hours Of Operation:

Closed for the Season

U-Pick Location:

333 Gladwin Rd, Abbotsford. BC

Fresh Goji U-Pick:

Closed for the Season

Dehydrated Goji Berries:

Availability to be confirmed

Frozen Goji Berries:


Goji Berry U-Pick Policy:

  • Goji u-pick is a 1 lb minimum per Group of TWO.
  • No outside containers are allowed on the farm. Please purchase a small or large bucket from us. You can bring back our buckets to pick again.
  • Please do not snack on the berries while picking (pay first).
  • Be sure to wash your picked berries before consuming.
  • No smoking or vaping is allowed on the farm in any areas.
  • No pets or animals are allowed among the gojis or strawberries. However, pets may accompany you around permitted areas of the farm and in the picnic area at Taves Estate Cidery. Pets must stay on leash, be accompanied by their owner at all times, and keep a safe distance from all our animal pens.

Founded on Friendship,
Gojoy Berries and Taves Family Farms Unite

History of Gojoy Berries Inc.

When Gojoy founder, Peter Breederland, discovered goji berries and its ‘superfood’ status, he was awakened with purpose. Native to Asia, gojis were receiving attention as studies were proving that these little red nutrient-dense berries were not only delicious to eat but incredibly good for us! Peter began to see the bigger picture and was driven to bring gojis to Canada. Read More
Peter began to see the bigger picture and was driven to bring gojis to Canada. While, it has been said that big ideas are often met with doubt, it has also been said that “Impossible is not a fact, it’s an opinion”. And, while some believed that gojis could not be grown in Canadian climate, Peter was committed to the journey. He grew beautiful gojis and was the first goji farm to go to market. With his wife, Danise, they welcomed several people at their U-Pick location, participated in health & wellness events, hosted media and influencers, made guest appearances on TV stations, and retailed fresh gojis, frozen gojis, and a farm-fresh smoothie booster (purée containing gojis and local strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, blackberries, and raspberries) at locations across the Lower Mainland.

History of Taves Family Farms

A third-generation farmer, Loren Taves started farming in the late 1980s. His Great Grandfather purchased his first plot of land in the 1930s in the southern lands of the Fraser Valley, and his father established Taves Family Farms in 1969, growing raspberries and raising poultry. When Loren and his brother, Gary, graduated from high-school they, too, recognized niche crops and decided to grow gooseberries! Read More
Loren focused on gooseberries, apples that were unique to coastal climates—such as the signature Jonagold Apple—and red, white, black, and pink currants. Today, Taves Family Farms exists of 46 acres of lands and rents 17 more acres consisting of orchards, berries, pumpkins, sweet corn, and greenhouses. In 1990, Loren and Gary created the Applebarn, and in 1992 Loren’s wife, Corinne, joined them as soon as they married. For almost 30 years, the Applebarn has been welcoming families to experience traditional full activities.

Gojoy and Taves Unite

Peter decided to focus on travelling and spending more time with family, leading to the sale of his farm. Having known Loren over the years and respecting his farming abilities, food philosophy, and entrepreneurial spirit, Peter asked Loren if he would ‘take the baton’ and continue growing gojis. Read More
And, so it happened! Peter’s knowledge of growing gojis and signature plants are part of Taves Family Farms’ offering.U-Pick gojis, Gojoy’s smoothie booster, frozen gojis, and goji plants are available for sale at the Taves Family Farms’ Country Store!
Check out our other u-pick options below!